Membership Information

Pennsylvania SHRM serves as the professional conduit between National SHRM and the 25 affiliated local chapters in the state of Pennsylvania. Our members includes State officers, chairs for various areas of expertise and activity, district directors for the five regional areas in the state, Chapter presidents chapters in the state, and any other SHRM member from the State who wishes to meet and have input and impact on the advancement of the Council.

Pennsylvania SHRM does not have membership in the traditional sense, meaning that you do not have to pay pay any membership dues in order to access to our educational opportunities. However, we do want to invite you to join our mailing list, so you that we can keep you informed of upcoming conferences, webinars, and industry news.

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We also encourage all members of the HR Profession to not only join National SHRM, but also at least one of our 25 affiliated chapters throughout the state of Pennsylvania. 

For more information about any affiliated chapter, click here.